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Watch Michelin-Starred Chefs Cook Mushrooms in Many Ways

Thursday, 07/06/2017 15:24
Mushrooms are a great ingredient for chefs, there’s a lot of variation across different mushrooms, both in texture and flavour, and they have a deepness that’s unrivalled by most ingredients.

On top of all this, mushrooms are also packed with umami, that wonderful, saliva inducing hit of goodness that seems to round off dishes and bring out the best of any flavour it sits alongside.

Ok, our love of mushrooms has been expressed enough. What we really want to show you is this wonderful collection of videos of Michelin starred chefs cooking with mushrooms.

From Heston Blumenthal and his magic mushroom starter to Albert Adria showing off a wonderful Tapas style dish, this is a great mix of inspiration for those wanting to cook with mushrooms.

We have a great line up below and we’re sure you’re going to learn a few tricks from some of these masters.

Albert Adria cooking Tapas with mushrooms:

Heston Blumenthal cooking Soup with mushrooms:

Thomas Keller cooking Gnocchi with mushrooms:

Gary Rhodes cooking Risotto with mushrooms:

Modernist Cuisine shows you a great mushroom trick:

Philippe Deschamps cooking Ravioli with mushrooms:

Heston Blumenthal cooks magic mushrooms:


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